A native of Chicago, IL, Elena Denny recently moved to Seattle, WA. She previously spent almost four years in the Twin Cities, MN, where she earned a master’s degree in Cello Performance at the University of Minnesota, studying with Tanya Remenikova. She loves teaching and has an private lesson schedule. Elena is a member of the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra and a frequent sub with many other regional orchestras.

Elena completed her bachelor’s degree at Illinois Wesleyan University where she studied with Nina Gordan and performed the Saint-Saens Cello Concerto with the Illinois Wesleyan University Civic Orchestra as a winner of the Henry Charles Memorial Concerto/Aria Competition. International performances included Bulgaria, Mexico, Italy and China. She attended the Virtuoso & Belcanto Festival in Lucca, Italy in the summer of 2017. In 2017 she was awarded second prize of the local Schubert Club scholarship competition, Strings III division. Other private teachers included Silvio Righini in Milan, Italy, Teddy Rankin-Parker in Chicago, IL, and Nancy Blum in Chicago, IL.